Caring for Corten steel panel

Corten Steel Panel is a durable, weathering steel that starts out a typical steely grey color and develops a warm, rust-colored patina over time. Unlike rust, however, this patina is non-corrosive and doesn’t affect the steel’s integrity. You can let the steel weather naturally, or speed it along with a simple solution of vinegar, salt, and hydrogen peroxide — ingredients you most likely already have at home. Corten Steel Tube is one of leading corten steel manufacturer in India . Here are the main items to check when looking at your Corten Steel Panels: · Clean gutters, downspouts and drain boxes. Leaves and debris can back up your gutter system and cause leaks and damage. · Inspect for tree branches, leaves, pine needles, or other items touching the roof. Remove these items. · Clear valleys, waterways, and ...