Is Corten Steel Safe For Vegetables?


Corten steel is becoming more popular as a material for planters. It is also used in landscaping, specifically for garden edgings, sculptures, fences, outdoor fire pits, and screens. This steel is known for being low-maintenance and durable. It can also add an attractive earthy and natural color to your garden.

Corten steel lasts for a long time. However, this material is not advisable to use in regions near the ocean and humid or foggy areas. The protective layer of the patina may continue to corrode and weaken structurally instead of being stabilized. Nevertheless, it can still outlast wood.

You should also know that Corten isn’t fully rustproof. The water collected in the pockets will still corrode the material. Therefore, a drainage system should be constructed to prevent water from collecting in the pockets. We are Largest Corten steel suppliers in India.

Your garden planters should last for many years, even with the presence of soil in them. Other planter materials, including most metals, do not last long especially with dirt. At best, they’d last for about a year or two. On the other hand, Corten steel will last for decades. It also doesn’t need much maintenance to keep in good working order.

Gardeners love this material because its earthy hues provide a nice contrast to the vegetables’ green color. Moreover, since steel planters are thin, you can shape them in any way and make them easier to fit in tiny spaces.

You can build your own Corten planter or buy one that’s ready for garden use. Distributors such as Rust fab have the materials suitable for your needs. Good Corten steel planters will help supply your household with fresh vegetables for many years.

Admittedly, Corten is costlier than wood, but this steel will last for practically a lifetime. Treated wood used for resisting decay is full of chemicals, and no gardener should use this to grow edible plants. You also wouldn’t want old railroad ties as planters, as they are soaked in creosote. And responsible gardeners wouldn’t want harmful creosote in their soil.

Another viable material to use for an edible garden besides Corten is cedar, but it can be expensive. You’d also have to replace it eventually. Corten is still the clear winner in terms of cost-efficiency, durability, and versatility.

Tomatoes and other salad vegetables are safe to grow in Corten planters. However, to relieve any lingering concerns, you can line the planter’s interior with a food-grade waterproofing coat, similar to those used in rainwater tanks. Generally, it is safe to grow edible plants in planters made from weathering steel.

Keep in mind that steel absorbs heat. You could easily burn your hands on a hot day if you touch them without gloves. However, the absorbed heat benefits your plants in large garden beds because it can keep the soil warm overnight.

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