A Corten steel trellis Designs is essentially a living fence that
can be as decorative or streamlined as desired. Green screens are striking
additions to any outdoor living space, as they allow plants to grow up and over
them. The benefits of green screens include security, privacy screening, shade,
and biodiversity once climbing plants have been installed and had a few growing
seasons to fill in the area.
Having their legs pushed into the soil and then attached to a garden
wall, fence, etc, Corten steel trellis designs provide support for your
climbing plants. There are a variety of attractive designs available, so even
when your climbing plants are immature or have died down for the winter, your
trellis will remain an attractive feature in your garden. Allow an inch or so
of clearance between the panel and the wall when attaching it to a wall.
These metal garden trellises can support a wide range of plants. Imagine
the fragrance of sweet pea or rose trellises by your door during the summer.
You can use it as a wisteria trellis, honeysuckle trellis, ivy trellis, or
grapevine trellis
Corten steel trellis Designs inspired by the Arts and Crafts movement of
the 19th century. Vintage yet elegant, our trellis’ stylised pattern blends
beautifully with the warm tones of Corten steel.This weathered Corten steel
finish to this trellis panel creates a raw, textured and natural appearance.
Trellis panels add decorative interest to walls and structures while
maintaining a sense of light and space.
The Corten steel fence panels will arrive unweathered. Read our guide on
weathering Corten steel. Adding decorative interest to walls and structures
while maintaining a sense of light and space is possible with our trellis
screens. The weathering Corten steel finish to this trellis panel creates a raw,
textured and natural look. Corten steel trellis Designs will arrive
unweathered. Check out our guide to weathering Corten steel.
- Material:
Weathering Steel
- Finish:
- Width:
- Height:
- Thickness:
- Weight:
Click here to know more about is Article : https://cortensteeltube.com/how-to-design-corten-steel-trellis/
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